Welcome to Graham Greene Online

This site is dedicated to Graham Greene, primarily his novels, short stories, and plays, as well as details of his life.

About the site

There appears to be a distinct lack of Graham Greene sites online. Aside from the excellent Greeneland - The World of Graham Greene, and the Birthplace Trust (see links page) there don't really seem to be many other sites. This site was created to correct that, and to bring all the information I could find together in an attractive format, and provide people with interesting downloads and features. It's still a work in progress, and I'll be adding to it gradually.

The site includes:

  • Bio - A short biography, to give some background.
  • Books - A list of Greene's novels (and short stories and plays etc.) in chronological order, with details and quotes.
  • Films - Details of the film adaptations of Greene novels, including original screenplays. Includes film reviews (by myself and others)
  • Timeline - A detailed timeline of the life of Graham Greene, including releases of all major works and major events.
  • Links - A list of relevant Graham Greene links online.
  • Contact - A contact form to contact me, for any reason.